We have now been back in operation for a year since COVID restrictions were eased to allow us to meet.
Albeit there have been various ‘flavours’ of restrictions in the year and some sections have re-started quicker than others, it has been great to see members, both old and new, sharing in their chosen sections, joining social events and generally re-acquainting themselves with the facilities and the camaraderie that Greystones House offers.
As we move to the time of membership renewal, I hope that you will all feel that you wish HCA to continue to be part of your lifestyle choice and that the renewal fee of £10 is excellent value.
Yet again, the Trustees have managed to keep the fee un-changed and, as previously, the options for payment are by cash, cheques, and BACs (online via website). If paying by cheque, please ensure you make it payable to ‘Highcliffe Community Association’ with no abbreviations allowed. Please do not post cash through the door.
To facilitate membership renewals, we will be operating a renewals desk between 10am and 12pm and then 1.30pm and 3.30pm from Tuesday 3rd May for 2 weeks. Please feel free to pop in between those times to renew and collect your 2022 membership card, and, as per last year, a car park pass. Note that both will be a new colour so we can easily identify renewals, and Christchurch Housing can identify current car park passes.
Of course, membership renewal is available at other times and new members can join through the year, but it really helps if you are able to renew soonest after 3rd May. Many thanks in anticipation.
I look forward to seeing you during the year.
Cliff Putterford.