You will also find information and news in our monthly newsletters.
Quiz & Chips 01/02/25, Questions, Answers, Results
Another packed house with several new faces. The winners were “Team Education”, with “The Game Players” in second place, both of whom made near-maximum use of their Joker rounds. “Juno” won the coveted Wooden Spoons although they were closely matched by “The Bullseyes”. The next quiz will be on Saturday 5th. April. Click here to Read More
Quiz & Chips questions & results 07/12/2024
Despite Storm Darragh the evening was enjoyed by yet-again another full house.
Jigsaw Fayre 2024
This weekend saw a large turnout for the Christmas Jigsaw and Craft Fayre. Thanks to Jan for being the driving force, and to everyone who helped make the event so successful.
A message from the President – Norman Huckle.
I was honoured to be invited to become President of this Association for the next year. Having been a member for over 30 years there have been many changes in that time. Soon after joining I became aware that the Computer Section, now ITForum, was running a 6 week course to acquaint members of the Read More
Quiz & Chips questions, answers, results 12/10/2024
Another full house enjoyed the quiz which was organised by Mike Caruana, ably assisted by Cheryl and David.
Date of the next Quiz: December 7th.
HCA News August 2024
Welcome back everyone, I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer break and are pleased to back. I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
Jigsaw festival
What a fantastic week this turned out to be both financially, with a total of £5563 being raised, and with visitors coming from near and far and hopefully bringing in new members.
Quiz & Chips results 20/07/2024
An evening was enjoyed by a full house, and the winners of the coveted “Wooden Spoons” were Sort of Soul, with Simple Minds taking overall 2nd. place to the winners Bowled Over.
Our first jigsaw festival
In less than two months we will be opening our FIRST jigsaw festival. Make a note in your diary for Tuesday 6th. August to Saturday 10th August.
Message from Trustees
Earlier in the year the Church Section approached the Trustees with a request to apply for Charitable status in their own right; after long and detailed discussions, and seeking legal advice, the Trustees concluded that this would not be in the best interest of HCA.
Chairman Report March 2024.
Spring is ‘sprung,’ well sort of. The weather is slightly improved, and it is a bit warmer but I’m sure we are all looking forward to Summer. There remains a lot of activity at Greystones, some good some not so good but all of it will come good soon. Car Parking during Sewage work disruption
Be Our Guest!
The professionals came to town – not only the performers (Chamelion and Andrea’s Angels), but the front-of-house and the magnificent Kitchen Angelsl
Greystones Sewer Pump
It has come to the attention of HCA that major works have commenced to replace the sewer pump at the bottom car park in front of Alan Court and Kenneth Court.
Quiz and Chips
Quiz and Chips evening. Saturday 17th. February Once again the event was filled to capacity, and a fun evening was (seemingly) enjoyed by all! There was a very tight finish for the first prize, with three teams (Bowled Over, 6 Up, and Prime Nuts) separated by a mere one and a half points; the eventual Read More
Coronation Celebrations
The coronation of King Charles III was celebrated in style and enjoyed by many; below is a link to give a flavour of the event. Click here to view photos.
Future Events
The annual Highcliffe Food Festival, is being held over the weeked of 10th/11th June. To raise funds for Greystones it has been decided to open over the weekend and serve tea, coffee and cakes.
In Memoriam – Daisy Catherine Winterton
It is with regret that we announce the passing of Daisy Catherine Winterton, a former member of the quilters and the travel club. Anyone who knew Daisy and wishes to attend her funeral at The New Forest Crematorium on Friday 12th May at 2.30pm, please contact her niece, Trudy Sell, on 07763 587702.
IN MEMORIUM – Don Nichols
As many of you will already know, Highcliffe Community lost not only a truly wonderful gentleman but also a stalwart member of Highcliffe Community Association when Don Nichols sadly passed away on 30th March 23. Don had battled several ailments for some time, yet he continued supporting HCA; running and playing at Friday Live, continuing Read More
Membership Special
Exciting news from the Chairman of Trustees for all members and non-members alike! Click here for some good news!
Chairman Report – March 2023
As we head into spring it is pleasing to say that our membership continues to grow. We are doing all we can to get the message out to the Community regarding the wonderful opportunities membership of HCA offers and have recently started a Fundraising campaign.
Open Meeting – Wednesday 5th. April 4.15pm.
Councillor Andy Martin (Independent) representing Highcliffe & Walkford, will be present to update members and non-members alike, to developments regarding the new requirements to vote in all elections, and will be glad to respond to any questions. From 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations Read More
Highcliffe Hub
Being a Community Organisation our Chairman has met with Highcliffe St Mark Primary School who have presented us with a copy of Highcliffe Hub, the school’s newsletter. Many members will have had contact with the School, either directly or indirectly, over the years, and will no doubt be interested in their newsletter. CLICK HERE to Read More
I have volunteered to organise a Jigsaw Festival at Greystones in August 2024 during our summer closure. I know this seems a long way ahead but to make it a success we must start now as it takes some considerable time to organise.
Chairman’s Report – March 2023.
Like everybody I am looking forward to the weather improving as we progress into the year but other than that there is not much from me this month. Quiz & Chips Yet again the forthcoming Quiz & Chips (Sat 25th Feb) was sold out within 15 minutes of the tickets going on sale. There is Read More
Chairman’s Report – October 2022
I understand through the grapevine that the proposed change to the annual membership fee (rising to £20) has not been well received. It is worth noting that the proposal from the Trustees at the AGM, to which all members are invited, was to go to £15;
Highcliffe Duplicate Bridge Club
The event is organised by the club every year as a charity tournament and all club members are asked to donate to Macmillan Caring Locally.
Queen’s Jubilee Party
On June 3rd, many members celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a delicious tea provided by a small team of helpers. Entertainment was provided by a duo called Sweet Harmony, a quiz with a royal theme was a fun ending with a few appropriate songs. Our treasurer, Jan, made a magnificent Jubilee cake which was Read More
Quiz & Chips May 2022.
Another teasing evening played to a full house, hosted by “Cliff the question-setter”, and “Helen the questioner-in-chief”. Thanks also to Jan (who has promised to bring the wooden spoons next time!)
Easter Celebrations 2022.
In April, some of our members enjoyed a delicious two course meal with an Easter theme. Each table had a delightful arrangement of Spring flowers and the mini chocolate eggs were a treat. An Easter Bonnet competition took place with a variety of ideas which was judged by the members and even one of our Read More
Membership Renewal – a message from the Chairman.
It has been great to see members, both old and new, sharing in their chosen sections, joining social events and generally re-acquainting themselves with the facilities and the camaraderie that Greystones House offers.
H.C.A. Travel
November 2021 H.C.A. Travel The Executive Committee are pleased to advise that, in conjunction with Christchurch Coaches, a not-for-profit travel company, we are launching a travel option to our social calendar. Having had discussions with 2 new members, who own both a high specification Mercedes Benz 16-seater coach and appropriate licenses, operate not-for-profit day trips Read More
The membership year has moved to 1st May through to 30th April to bring it in line with the CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) accounting year.
Finally, we are back. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome both new and existing members back to our lovely building.
Active Highcliffe @ The Castle.
A successful even, organised by Highcliffe Rotary, but made possible thanks to the efforts of the Executive Committee.
Active Highcliffe
Active Highcliffe is taking place this Sunday, 19th January, at Highcliffe Castle
IMPORTANT – HCA Draft Constitution and Standing Orders
The new draft HCA constitution and standing orders documents are now available for reading and/or downloading :-
Local Views
If you have any pictures of the locality, please feel free to email them to the Webmaster for possible publication.
The estimated sale date is November 25th. The price will be £5 per copy. It will be the same format as in previous years and for a quick “preview” of the views see below.
Duplicate Bridge Lunch
A most-enjoyable lunch, followed by an equally-enjoyable afternoon of Bridge, was enjoyed by 36 members of the club. Many thanks to Phyl. Cliff, and Pat for all their hard work arranging the event, and to the South Lawn Hotel for their hospitality. ,
Quiz and Chips
Many thanks to Cliff and his team who organised a brain-busting quiz, together with the 70 participants who had to pit their knowledge against each other, made easier by Fish and Chips at half time. Another full house is promised in about 3 months time.
Defibrillator awareness
We are most grateful to Mike Jukes BEM and Jackie from Bransgore Community First Responders who came to speak to us last Friday 11th October. We had a packed audience and I am sure those present went away with much more confidence as to what to do in an emergency and how to use the Read More
Machine Quilting – Our latest quilts.
In the Machine Quilting group, all members are at different levels of accomplishment; for this reason we have plenty of help to go around and good ideas for projects. Never a dull moment and lots of camaraderie!
Murder Mystery Evening.
28th. September, 6.30pm for 7.00pm.
Plowman’s Supper and Dessert included.
Please remember to return any books, jigsaws, & DVDs you may have borrowed
All books, DVD’s, jigsaws etc. that are taken out in the 3 weeks before we close can be kept until the library reopens at the beginning of Autumn.
Celebrating end of WW1
This is what we do. A great afternoon to commemorate and celebrate the end of the World War One
Greystones Open Day
Come along to the Tuesday Quilters Open Day to meet the group and try some quilting to see if you would like to join us. All welcome
Looking for musicians
We have a great team providing music for our members. We need more musicians, so please contact us if you would like an outlet for your talents
Our first petanque game. What fun we had!!!
Our first game of Petanque took place yesterday. What fun we had!!!
Free guided tours of Greystones House
We are offering free guided tours of Greystones House – a lovely Grade 2* listed building. Please ring 01425-271604 to book an appointment as our guides are not always at this building.