It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I open this Chairmans report by advising you that I will not be seeking re-election at the AGM in July.
You may not be aware that the majority of Trustees have decided that, after being in existence for a year, the Church section is no longer welcome as part of the HCA family. As the section has complied with all HCA rules, I believe the decision takes us away from the objectives in our constitution and does not meet our Equality or Diversity rules which means I personally feel unable to represent the Association in an Official capacity.
Social welfare covers different things to different members of our community and, as such, I fell this change in thinking fails our Association objectives ‘to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Highcliffe … and provide facilities in the interest of social welfare … with the objective of improving conditions of life ….’ hence my decision to stand down.
It has been an honour and a pleasure to represent you all during my tenure as Chairman. I hope you will recognise that I have done my best to try to grow the membership which took a hit with the COVID disruption. Additionally, I have attempted to bring some new ideas and to promote HCA in the Community wherever and whenever I have had the opportunity. I now look forward to re-joining the ‘back benches’ as an HCA member. I intend to continue to support the social events, despite no longer having a section which I can call ‘home.’
I advised the Trustees at the March meeting to allow plenty of time to find a replacement and to take over my responsibilities in events in which I have been involved.
I leave disappointed, but I would urge you to continue supporting the Association which is and will remain a bastion of the local community.
Annual General Meeting
This year’s meeting will be on Thursday July 18th @ 4.30pm. More details will follow from the Secretary in due course.
However, the Association will be looking for members to fulfil the vacant roles of Chairperson and Buildings and Premises. Please give these important roles consideration and propose names to the Trustees as appropriate, alongside proposals for any other trustee positions
Quiz & Chips
The above event on Saturday 11th May is sold out. However, if you wish to come, please check with Reception to see if there are any returned tickets.
It is great to see ‘House Full’ signs for Helen and my final Quiz as ‘hosts’ at @ HCA. For the quiz regulars, there will probably be a ‘Trumpton’ question hidden in there somewhere 😊.
I am pleased to be able to announce that Mike Thacker has kindly agreed to take over the writing and hosting responsibilities and Jan Hollowell will continue to undertake all of the planning and organisation.
Car Parking (again)
It has been brought to my attention that there are rumours abounding regarding parking past the date of the sewage works. Nothing has been agreed with Christchurch Housing Society, but I know they are keen to make the temporary changes permanent. However, this will only work and be agreed to by the Trustees if the Residents abide by the ruling that the front of the HCA building is for HCA members only. I have been recording (pictures) of the abuse by and inconsiderate parking of residents for the next meeting with the Operations Director of CHS. At the same time there is a plan (and a need) to paint the car park lines appropriately.
Open Forums
The final Open Forum of my tenure has a return visit by Andy Martin (Parish & BCP Councillor) on Wednesday 1st May at 4.15pm. He will be giving us an update of all things to do with Highcliffe, including the recently published BCP ‘local plan’ which will impact how Highcliffe will look in the future. He will also answer questions relating to that and the wider issues impacting the Parish.
Church Section
As I write these notes, I am aware that the Church section have written to the Trustees thanking them for allowing them to set up a section initially and wishing the Association well for the future.
I am pleased to say they have found alternative premises close by which will continue to allow an option of ‘Evangelical’ worship in Highcliffe. If you would like to join us in Christian fellowship locally, we will be meeting in Greystones Hall every Sunday @ 10:30.
I look forward to seeing you at Greystones and about the village, in the meantime, enjoy the facilities.